Acoustic emission damage localization in Aircraft structures
Acoustic emission damage localization in Aircraft structures
Structural health monitoring (SHM) has emerged on diagnosis, etiognosis, and prognosis to reduce the life cycle costs and to improve the reliability of civil, mechanical, and aerospace structures. The ultrasonic transducers are often employed in the ultrasonic-based SHM framework for defect detection and localization at the microscale. For instance, with the transmission and detection capability of guided ultrasonic waves (GUWs), the technique based on the sparse array of sensors can identify and localize the defects. Further, the capability of active and passive sensing of the ultrasonic transducers can be leveraged to detect active damage and pre-existing cracks. This study utilizes the passive mode of acoustic emission (AE) data to localize the impact or active damages.

Figure. (a) Top view of experimental setup, (b) 3D schematic view of the experimental setup